
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

800 Broadway

Times-Star Building then.
I have lived in Cincinnati all my life but am starting to realize just how little I really know about the Queen City's history. When I worked for the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts we would refer many of our "customers" to 800 Broadway for domestic relation issues, probation and juvenile court. We referred to it as 800 Broadway.

But in all the fifteen years I worked for the county I had no idea 800 Broadway was originally the Cincinnati Times-Star Building built in 1933 and designed by the firm of Samuel Hannaford & Sons.
800 Broadway now

From Wikipedia: "Much of the decorated facade plays homage to the printing and publishing businesses. Two hundred feet above the street stand four pillars at each of the tower's corners, representing patriotism, truth, speed and progress.

The newspaper plant occupied the first six stories. The floors above were offices. The Cincinnati Times-Star was an outgrowth of several newspapers and was owned by Cincinnati's Taft family. Charles Phelps Taft was editor.

The building was bought by Hamilton County in the late 1980s, it is used for county offices."

It looks like I still have a lot to learn.

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